Itinerant exhibition – Bucharest, 29-30 March 2016

Between 29 and 30 March 2016, at „Dimitrie Gusti” National Village Museum in Bucharest, the last itinerant exhibition organized within the project Cultural road ”Mălâncrav - living multi-ethnic heritage” can be visited. The series of itinerant exhibitions is financed through EEA Grants, Programme PA16/RO12.

The exhibition promoting the cultural route from Mălâncrav consists of 15 roll-ups representing visiting points along the cultural route, products made during the workshops: woollen carpets, cotton towels, brick and tile burned in the furnace and some traditional dishes that can be tasted throughout the exhibition.

Visitors will receive route maps, brochures in Romanian, English and German, leaflets and postcards promoting the entire route of Mălâncrav. On the background, documentaries promoting intangible heritage are projected.

More details regarding the project are available at