Festive inauguration of Bistrița-Năsăud County Museum, April 28th 2017

On the day that marks 30 years since its establishment, also took place the official inauguration of the museum restored with the support of EEA Grants. The festivity was attended by Mr. Ioan Vulpescu, the Minister of Culture and National Identity, and representatives of the local authorities, as well as mass-media.

Through a grant of approximately 1.5 million euros, Bistrița-Năsăud County Museum was re-designed to host art collections, from history, archaeology and ethnography collections to collections of fine arts and natural sciences. At the same time, the basement of the building was re-functionalised into a creative space. In the courtyard of the museum there were designed sections dedicated to cultural activities and presentation of the traditional village.

Another activity of the project was dedicated to digitizing 200 documents related to George Coșbuc, 50 documents related to Liviu Rebreanu and 75 documents related to World War One. The museum’s tourist attractiveness was enhanced through the conservation, restoration and valorisation of cultural heritage by innovative means of digitization.