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Project Promoter: Armân Community from Romania – Bucharest Branch
Project Partner: The Catalan House in Iceland- Association of Catalan people outside Cataluña
Project duration: 14 months, but no later than 30.04.2016
Total project amount: RON 327,393, i.e. EUR 73,940.33
Grant amount: RON 292,984, i.e. EUR 66,169.20

General objective

The project shall contribute to Armân (Aromanian) language for future generations safeguarded and conserved and made publicly available. The project aims at recovering the Armân (Aromanian) language.

Specific objectives:

  • protection of Armân (Aromanian) language as a part of the Romanian intangible heritage by setting up an ANVEATSÃ ARMÃNEASHTI (Learn Aromanian) language school in Bucharest;
  • conservation and valorization of the Armân (Aromanian) language as intangible heritage with an aim towards strengthening cultural identity of the Armân (Aromanian) community;
  • strengthening bilateral relations between Romania and Iceland through the partnership actions that are going to be done for the conservation and valorization of the Aromanian intangible heritage;
  • documenting and disseminating for purpose of offering support models for similar projects, to cultural organizations having as objective the promotion and maintaining of the cultural heritage of the Armân minority.

Project outcomes

Under the implementation of this project, the Armân language, unaltered will be transmitted/passed off to the following generations.

At the same time, the possibility to correctly learn the Armân language shall contribute to strengthening the cultural identity of this community, a better understanding and cohabitation premise, and thus a harmonious development. Strengthening the cultural identity shall also create the capacity to accept and assume the cultural differences for a good cohabitation and as premise for a sustainable development.

The concrete results, the measurable ones, will be: developing and printing 240  course fiches for teaching Aromanian language, drafting  20 audio-books to support the teaching and learning of Aromanian language, drafting the online electronic application (e-learning platform), creating the website of the project and a newsletter in 11 editions, the acquisition of 12 Aromanian traditional costumes, implementation of 240 course classes, participating in two competitions («Olimpiada di ficiuritslji armãnji» in Constanta and «Ñica Lãndãrushi» in Bucharest), organizing 6 school festivities (events dedicated to the Aromanian language as vehicle of intangible cultural heritage), setting up two press conferences, performing one action for promoting the Aromanian culture in Reykjavik, printing and distribution of 900 leaflets, drafting a documentary about the School and the Project «Anveatsã Armãneashti».

Project news/photo gallery


Facts regarding the Aromanian heritage

One course for 6-8 years old children (Level I), which can be downloaded from here.


one course for 9-12 years old children (Level II), which can be downloaded from here.


One course for adults (Level III)


20 audio books grouped in 1 BOX, containing 6 volumes

  • Courses
  • Old Fairy tales
  • Fairy tales translated into Aromanian
  • Poems
  • Songs in mother tongue
  • Theatre, Anecdotes, Humorous stories

E-learning platform, accessible to the public from the website

  • 12 traditional costumes (6 traditional costumes for ladies and 6 for men).

One book of history Armanjlj-Figures&Facts, which can be downloaded from here.


282 hours of courses for different age levels


Participation in two competitions


7 events promoting the heritage of aromanian minoritie (6 school festivities and the launch of the history book)

1. Open doors day, 8 May 2015


2. Traditional dancing workshop, 19 June 2015


3. Celebration of St. Demterius, 29 October 2015


4. Christmas Celebration, 19 December 2015


5. SHROVETIDE or Hasca, 12 March 2016


6. The final festivities, 23 April 2016


7. The launch of the book od history "Armãnjlji: Figures & Facts", written by Alexandru Gica


2 press conferences

Launching conference, 29 April 2015


Closing conference, 22 April 2016


Aromanian Culture Weekend in Reykjavik, events organised by the project partner between 12 and 13 February 2016


Filmare Oră de curs copii 6-8 ani - Course children 6-8 years

Filmare Sărbătoarea Sf. Dumitru - Celebration of St. Demetrius

Interviuri copii - Interviews






Martsu drafting and planting bulbs, March 3rd 2017


Hasca, workshop on aromanian cuisine, February 24th 2017


Project presentation in Veria, Greece, January 28th 2017


Meeting again Santa Klaus, December 18th 2016


Project presentation in Tulcea, December 17th 2016


Participation to Njica Landaruchi, December 11th 2016


Project presentation in Belgrad, December 2nd 2016


Halloween, October 2016


Aromanian Courses, sustainability period