PONT Group, together with ARCHÉ Association and Cotroceni National Museum, hosted the debate „Strategic approaches for revitalizing built heritage. Social and economic potential of castles and manors”. The event took place on March 24th and on this occasion was presented the Strategy Castle in Transylvania 2016-2025. The document was drafted during the project implemented by PONT Group and financed through EEA Grants, Programme PA16/RO12.
Taking into consideration the different approach regarding the built heritage and the lack of an inventory of all castles in Transylvania, the Strategy Castle in Transylvania 2016-2025 represents an instrument that can interconnect stakeholders with experts from different fields (architecture, landscaping, legal, attracting funding sources).
Representatives from ARCHÉ Association presented the cultural routes Castle Break and stressed the need to introduce restored monuments in the public circuit.
During the event two good practice examples were presented: Daniel Castle from Tălișoara (the place where the LIVING CASTLE events were organized, also implemented through EEA Grants) and Bánffy Castle from Bonțida.
The discussions also addressed the topic of cultural education, opportunities to attract financing sources and the possibility of creating thematic routes and a common brand.
More details regarding the event are available at: http://www.castelintransilvania.ro/castel-in-transilvania-la-muzeul-national-cotroceni.html